Since time immemorial, the Fraser River has shaped and is shaped by the communities, both human and non-human, it supports. It is meaningful to the communities it is a part of, home to unique ecosystems, and continues to be a hub for economic activity. From the Rocky Mountains to the Salish Sea, the Fraser River basin is home to millions of people, each with a unique view of the river.
*Click* Photos of the Fraser brings together a collection of these points of view and invites photographers to submit photographs that capture the work, life, and communities of the river. For the exhibit’s thirteenth year, the FRDC is excited to partner with the New Westminster Photography Club.
The overall theme for this year is “Dynamics of Magnitude“. From spring freshets flowing towards changing tides, the river is inherently ephemeral, changing from one moment and season to the next. While there is beauty in these changes, their scale is also being impacted by climate change in potentially devastating ways. This year’s photographers sought to capture the changes that occur along the river, from seasonal to climatic, at all spectrums of scale.
Photos are submitted to one of two categories: Interconnectedness and Community as Care. A jury drawn from New Westminster’s cultural sector has selected fifteen photographs to be displayed at the FRDC. These include the winning photos for each category and the People’s Choice winner, selected by members of the New Westminster Photography Club.
We hope you enjoy this year’s edition of *Click* Photos of the Fraser!
Honourable Mentions
All Submissions
The Fraser River Discovery Centre would like to thank the New Westminster Photography Club for their contributions to this year’s exhibit, along with our jurors, without whom this exhibition could not have been possible:
- Mandev Mann, Board Member, Fraser River Discovery Centre Society.
- Rebeca Salas, Heritage Program Coordinator, New Westminster Museum and Archives.
- Tegan Cheremkora, Chair of the Arts Council, New Westminster’s Visual Arts Committee.
- Todd Martin, Board Member, Fraser River Discovery Centre Society.
Photography rights belong to their respective owners.