“The FRDC is the only place dedicated to telling the stories of the Fraser River”
– Mark Angelo, Founder, BC and World Rivers Day
The Fraser River Giving Circle
Make a difference for the living, working river
The Fraser River Discovery Centre’s mission is to inspire stewards of the river. The FRDCfocuses on educating people of all ages about the socio-cultural, environmental, and economic importance of the Fraser River. That includes talking about the challenges being faced in all these areas, and what can be done to address them.
Visitors and partners have been telling us that two challenges stand above the others – the impacts of climate change and the role the river can play in reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
So we have added new opportunities to our Giving Circle donations program that specifically support education – and real action in those areas. They complement a continued focus on educating everyone about what it means to maintain a truly sustainable Fraser River.
For more information on these giving opportunities, click on the topics below:
But all of this takes even more time…and money! As a non-profit with no guaranteed annual funding, we rely completely on funding from governments, grants, sponsorships and donors – like you – to do this important work.
If you want to make a real difference for the Fraser River, please support the Giving Circle today!
We welcome all donations. If you want to contribute a different amount or become a monthly donor, please click here.